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Bird Watching in Chopta

Detail information about Chopta birds and guide to birding in Chopta.

Chopta is one of the few famous birding places in Uttarakhand, and it is a paradise for the bird watchers. Chopta knows for its biodiversity and bird diversity in the world which, comes under the KWS (Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary).

Chopta lies in the subtropical zone, near to Himalaya. The unique Himalayan ecosystem of Chopta disproportionately plays a good role to habitat so many species of birds (like monal, kolklas, cheer pheasant, Himalayan Griffon, Scarlet Finch, Mountain Hawk Eagle, sunbirds, Hill Partridge, snow partridge) and many animals (including bharal, leopards and tigers, black bears ), plants (to deodar, rhododendron, oak, etc ) and rare herbs (utish, ashwagandha, bajradanti, etc) .

So far more than 220 species of birds have been listed in Chopta. The main attractions of Chopta birding are Monal, Koklas, Cheer pheasant, snow partridge, different sunbirds, and Eurasian woodcock. So many migrated birds can be spots easily in Chopta valley during summer. Bird watchers spotted till the date more than 200 species of permanent resident and 15 pulse migrated birds in Chopta. And these figures prove that Chopta is a suitable place for birding throughout the year.

If you want to spot maximum birds count within 3 or 4 days then Chopta is the ideal place for you. As you will cover these 5 to 8 spots, Tungnath, Pothibasa(Photibasa is a Garhwali word, means a residence of birds), Bhulkana (the monal point)Kanchula khark, Mandal, Makku farm, Makku math village, duggle-bittha, Kakada Gad (river) and Deoriatal in Chopta. You will get a chance to spots maximum bird’s species of Chopta and we are sure more than 120 birds can be spots within 2 days.

What Chopta has extra other than birds, which attract birdwatchers?

At the time of bird watching activity in Chopta, you do not enjoy birding only, but also equally experience the beauty of this colorful valley, the trade and culture of the surrounding villages, diverse flora, and fauna, beauty of the pristine Deoria Lake, the Velvet alpine meadows, and you have the opportunity to visit the third Kedar Tungnath temple.

Best Time for Bird Watching in Chopta.

Chopta is famous for round the year destination among the birdwatchers because it has more than 200 permanent resident birds, as well as Chopta is the heaven for different migrated birds in different seasons cause of its unique ecosystem.
As per our experience, march end to November, except the monsoon season is the most ideal for birding in Chopta.

Winter is best time for some famous pheasant like Monal, Koklas, Cheer pheasant, Snow partridge, and the winter visitor Eurasian woodcock.

Chopta Birding Highlights
  • TEMP : May to June - 25℃Max/Min -15℃ & up to -10℃ in Jan & Feb.
  • Best time for Bird watching in Chopta :(March - June)/(Sep – Dec.).
  • Best Bird watching spot in Chopta: Duggale Bitha,Tungnath,Makku,Kund,Mandal.
  • Recommended Stay for Bird watching in Chopta: 5 Days and 4 Nights.
  • Nearest Railways Station : Rishikesh (190km)/Haridwar(220km)
  • Nearest Airport : (120km)Jolly Grant,Dehradun.
  • Chopta is famous for: Bird watching amoung , Orianthologist , Bird Photography, and Treks - Tungnath,Chandrashila,Deoriatal,Ansuyamata etc.


     Chopta Weather:: How to reach Chopta :: Accommodation in Chopta 

Chopta Birding Tour Packages

Is there any best spot for bird watching in Chopta?

In Chopta, we cannot say any one place to be the best, because different birds can be spots on different location according to the climate of that particular place. Like snow partridge cannot be spotted at Makku village and the common kingfisher cannot be spotted at Dugglebitha.

Please find our check-list below for the information of bird's spots and spotted birds, within 3 to 4 days Chopta bird watching tour

Get in touch with our Travel Expert

    Some Tips for Bird Watching in Chopta

    We know that every bird watcher knows very well how to do bird watching but here we are giving some tips for a new birder on our past experiences.

    Bird watching requires a lot of patience and discipline. These are some tips for birding in Chopta

  • Never wear bright colour,if possible please wear Camouflage
  • Wear tuff shoes for a Comfortable during the birding, and you never know where you will go for birding in jungle.
  • Always keep your own binocular.
  • Don’t carry bird’s book if you have camera with you. Because you will have enough time at your hotel to match your photographs with the book.
  • Good Knowledgeable birding guide should with you during birding in Chopta, which will increase the chance of spotting maximum bird species.
  • Please confirm your birding guide before you book Chopta birding tour.
  • Carry a Cap and sunscreen lotion to protect your skin with sunburn.
  • Always carry water bottle and food stuff (packet) during bird watching because it can take a long time in the jungle.
  • Best Place for bird watching around Chopta.

    Here we will try to identify the best place for birding in Chopta. We have created a table below, which is in two parts the bird's name and the place where we can spot that particular bird. This table is based on the Experience of a birder. It does not mean that the particular bird could be spotted at the same.

    Bird Watching Guides in Chopta Region

    We have a team of bird watching guide for Chopta region, Please contact to us if you have the requirement of a bird guide for Chopta birding.
    Kindly fill the inquiry form for Birding Guide in Chopta.

    Birds Checklist of Chopta

    Here we will try to identify the best place for birding in Chopta. We have created a table below, which is in two parts the bird's name and the place where we can spot that particular bird. This table is based on the Experience of a birder. It does not mean that the particular bird could be spotted at the same.

    Birds Spots in Tungnath Area Birds spotted in Chopta Station Makku Math & Makku Farm
    • Himalayan Swiftlet - Collocalia brevirostris
    • Lammergeier- Gypaetus barbatus
    • Himalayan Griffon- Gyps himalayensis
    • Snow Pigeon- Columba leuconota
    • Snow Partridge- Lerwa lerwa
    • Himalayan Monal-Lophophorus impejanus
    • Common Raven- Corvus corax
    • Common Rosefinch- Carpodacus erythrinus
    • Dark breasted Rosefinch- Carpodacus nipalensis
    • Rock Bunting- Emberiza cia
    • Asian House Martin- Delichon dasypus
    • Alpine Accentor- Prunella collaris
    • Wallcreeper-Tichodroma muraria
    • Grey sided Bush Warbler- Cettia brunnifrons
    • Scaly bellied Woodpecker- Picus squamatus
    • Golden Eagle- Aquila chrysaetos
    • Spotted Bush Warbler- Bradypterus thoracicus
    • Speckled Wood Pigeon- Columba hodgsonii
    • Spotted Dove -Streptopelia chinensis
    • Oriental Turtle Dove-Streptopelia orientalis
    • Koklass Pheasant-Pucrasia macrolopha
    • Large billed Crow- Corvus macrorhynchos
    • Long tailed Minivet- Pericrocotus ethologus
    • Yellow bellied Fantail- Rhipidura hypoxantha
    • Yellow billed Blue Magpie- Urocissa flavirostris
    • Verditer Flycatcher- Eumyias thalassinus
    • Rufous bellied Niltava- Niltava sundara
    • Grey Bushchat- Saxicola ferreus
    • Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus
    • Long tailed Thrush- Zoothera dixoni
    • Plain backed Thrush- Zoothera mollissima
    • Long billed Thrush - Zoothera monticola
    • Mrs Gould's Sunbird- Aethopyga gouldiae
    • Grey crested Tit- Parus dichrous
    • Spot winged Tit- Parus melanolophus
    • Green backed Tit- Parus monticolus
    • Yellow Wagtail-Motacilla flava
    • Rufous Sibia- Heterophasia capistrata
    • Chestnut-tailed Minla- Minla strigula
    • Lemon rumped Warbler- Phylloscopus chloronotus
    • Ashy throated Warbler- Phylloscopus maculipennis
    • Hume's Warbler- Phylloscopus humei
    • White browed Shrike Babbler- Pteruthius flaviscapis
    • Stripe throated Yuhina- Yuhina gularis
    • Mountain Hawk Eagle- Spizaetus nipalensis
    • Common Kestrel- Falco tinnunculus
    • Hill Partridge- Arborophila torqueola
    • Kalij Pheasant- Lophura leucomelanos
    • Black throated Tit, Aegithalos concinnus
    • Hill Prinia- Prinia atrogularis
    • Striated Prinia- Prinia crinigera
    • Ashy Drongo- Dicrurus leucophaeus
    • Lesser Racket tailed Drongo- Dicrurus remifer
    • Maroon Oriole-Oriolus traillii
    • Scarlet Minivet- Pericrocotus flammeus
    • Great Tit- Parus major
    • Blue Whistling Thrush- Myophonus caeruleus
    • Black Bulbul- Hypsipetes leucocephalus
    • Chestnut bellied Nuthatch- Sitta castanea
    • Striated Laughingthrush- Garrulax striatus
    • Grey-hooded Warbler- Seicercus xanthoschistos
    • Whiskered Yuhina- Yuhina flavicollis
    • Rufous Woodpecker- Celeus brachyurus
    • Rufous bellied Woodpecker- Dendrocopos hyperythrus
    • Slaty headed Parakeet- Psittacula himalayana
    Birds Spots in Baniya Kund Birds spotted in Duggal bittha Birds spotted in Mandal
    • rested Goshawk- Accipiter trivirgatus
    • Besra- Accipiter virgatus
    • Long legged Buzzard- Buteo rufinus
    • Black Kite- Milvus migrans
    • Red headed Vulture- Sarcogyps calvus
    • Black headed Jay- Garrulus lanceolatus
    • Lemon rumped Warbler- Phylloscopus chloronotus
    • Ashy throated Warbler- Phylloscopus maculipennis
    • Little Forktail- Enicurus scouleri
    • White collared Blackbird- Turdus albocinctus
    • Chestnut bellied Rock Thrush-Monticola rufiventris
    • Grey Wagtail- Motacilla cinerea
    • Plumbeous Water Redstart- Rhyacornis fuliginosa
    • Rufous Sibia-Heterophasia capistrata
    • Himalayan Woodpecker- Dendrocopos himalayensis
    • Eurasian Jay- Garrulus glandarius
    • Yellow billed Blue Magpie- Urocissa flavirostris
    • White capped Water Redstart- Chaimarrornis leucocephalus
    • Grey winged Blackbird- Turdus boulboul
    • Chestnut crowned Laughingthrush- Garrulax erythrocephalus
    • Streaked Laughingthrush- Garrulax lineatus
    • Whistler's Warbler- Seicercus whistleri
    • Great Barbet- Megalaima virens
    • Grey hooded Warbler- Seicercus xanthoschistos
    • Himalayan Woodpecker- Dendrocopos himalayensis
    • Common Hopoe- Upupa epops
    • Hill Partridge- Arborophila torqueola
    • Kalij Pheasant- Lophura leucomelanos
    • Black throated Tit- Aegithalos concinnus
    • Hill Prinia- Prinia atrogularis
    • Striated Prinia- Prinia crinigera
    • Black Bulbul- Hypsipetes leucocephalus
    • Common Kestrel- Falco tinnunculus
    • Black throated Tit- Aegithalos concinnus
    • Hill Prinia- Prinia atrogularis
    • Striated Prinia- Prinia crinigera
    • Great Tit- Parus major
    • Striated Laughingthrush- Garrulax striatus
    • Ashy Drongo- Dicrurus leucophaeus
    • Maroon Oriole- Oriolus traillii
    • Scarlet Minivet- Pericrocotus flammeus
    • Kalij Pheasant- Lophura leucomelanos
    • Blue Whistling Thrush- Myophonus caeruleus
    • Chestnut bellied Nuthatch- Sitta castanea
    • Grey hooded Warbler- Seicercus xanthoschistos
    • Lesser Racket tailed Drongo- Dicrurus remifer
    Properties who are not listed with us in Chopta can share their detail with the latest photos and available facilities at If you find any inapt Camps/Hotels/Resorts in Chopta listed with us, please mail to us at the same email id, so that we can update/remove it to provide the best information to our visitors. Thank You!
    Chopta Bird Watching Tour Package

    Package Name

    Duration Places Covered Rating Details
    Chopta Bird Watching Travel Package – (Budget Accommodations & Group Tour) 4Days/3Night Tungnath, Deoriatal, Makku Village,Bhulkan -Monal point
    Chopta Birding Tour Trip – (Budget & Semi Deluxe Accommodations) 4Days/3Night Tungnath, Deoriatal, Makku Village,Bhulkan -Monal point
    5 Days Chopta Birding Tour with Transportation (Deluxe Accommodation) 4Nights/5Days Tungnath,Deoriatal,Makku Math,Mandal,Pothibasa
    7 Days Chopta Birding Tour Package With transporataion – Deluxe Accommodation 7Days/6Nights Tungnath,Deoriatal,Makku Math,Mandal,Pothibasa,Kund
    customized Chopta birding Tour and Travel trip customized customized

    Are You Planning a Trip to Chopta in 2020 ?

    If you are planning a birding trip to Chopta, Contact us for the best and Customize Chopta birding Tour  Package.